How Much Do You Pay For A Haircut?
I know that some adults, and perhaps a few kids, spend hundreds dollars for a haircut and hair-styling. I don’t know why they would willingly pay so much, but I acknowledge that this happens.
As good as my wife looks when she comes home from the salon, I know that I would suffer from sticker shock if I saw her bill. She knows this too which is probably why she pays cash. And, yes, I understand that most women have more hair than men, and will often have it colored and styled in addition to having it cut. Still.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images
The more luxuriously-coiffed among you probably think I’m a rube. I can live with that. But I couldn’t live with paying more than $30, tip included, to get my hair cut. That’s as high as I’m willing to go. My question to you is this: Can you convince me otherwise? Is there any reason that a man should pay $100, $200, $500 for a haircut?
Watch as Steven Lim and the “Worth It” crew from BuzzFeed compare three very differently priced haircuts. I’m telling you, the guy who paid $15 looks fine. Although, I have to admit that the $500 ‘do is kind of cool.