5K Rainbow Run
Stonewall Sports Charlotte is holding a 5K Rainbow run September 8th.
Stonewall Sports Charlotte are excited to announce that that are holding the inaugural Stonewall Rainbow Run. It is Charlotte’s first planned annual LGBTQ and Ally 5k walk/run. The run and after party’s main focus is to try and bring the community together while raising money for three local Charlotte based organizations, PFLAG Charlotte, Veteran’s Bridge Home and CMPD Animal Care and Control.
The Rainbow Run is open to anyone 13 and older and will feature glow sticks, music, neon body paint, costumes and more. The route will start and end at “The Shed”, which is Charlotte’s newest pop-up amphitheater, located at “Station House” on the northern fringe of NoDa. The run will be at “The Shed” on September 8th, 2018 from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm. For more information on the Rainbow Run click here.