This Chick Is My New Hero After Doing This At Her Wedding
This lady is my new hero. Having been cheated on by my last husband, I know this lady’s pain. But what she did with her pain rocks! “Casey” was set to marry her boyfriend of six years. She loved “Alex” with all her heart. The night before her wedding, “Casey” was with her friends, and received a text from an unknown number. The text contained information about “Casey’s” fiance, and it wasn’t good information. Apparently, “Alex” had been cheating on “Casey” for quite some time. And poor “Casey” finds out the NIGHT before her wedding! The heartache and utter devastation that “Casey” had in those moments after finding out about “Alex” I know all too well. The upside is what “Casey” did. “Casey” has some unbelievable restraint, because I don’t think I could remain as composed as she did. Read what “Casey” did on her wedding day, and how “Alex” reacted here.
Bravo “Casey”, bravo! Trust me when I tell you, you are lucky! You dodged a bullet, so to speak.