Animal Adoption Center Encourages People To Adopt Adult Pets With Hilarious Posters
A few months ago, as most of you know, I adopted a dog from a local shelter. Not a puppy, but a dog. Kramer is a three-year old Beagle/Lab mix. He ACTS like a pup, but he’s full grown at 31 pounds.
Adult dogs have a harder time finding a forever home with only a 25% adoption rate. Ugh! That makes me so very sad. And I’m not the only one.
The Animal Protective Association of St. Louis the “Grown-Ass Adult” PR campaign to promote the benefits of adult dog ownership. In the ads, the organization pointed out that while puppies are cute – “grown-ass” adult dogs know not to pee on your carpet.
These posters are absolutely hilarious AND they make great points. Excellent marketing campaign to promote adult adoption for dogs. I love these! Cracked up last night when I saw them. Enjoy the laughs here.
I hope this campaign goes viral! It would rock if these posters went nationwide.