This Pasta Sauce Is Too Easy To Make To Be So Delicious
I recently came across an article from 2018 about a pasta sauce recipe that has been called the best in the world. What really caught my eye is that the recipe only calls for three ingredients and takes less than an hour to prepare. I like to cook but I really like simple cooking. I had to try this recipe for myself.
The simple sauce was created by the late Marcella Hazan, author Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking. All you need to get started is a 28-ounce can of whole, peeled tomatoes; one (1) peeled, halved onion; and five (5) tablespoons of butter. You may also want to throw in a pinch of salt so, technically, it’s four ingredients.
Everything goes into a pot and simmers uncovered over medium heat for 45 minutes. Stir it occasionally. After 45 minutes, toss out the onion halves, and pour the sauce over pasta. That’s it.
Another reason I like this very basic pasta sauce is that it’s like an almost blank canvas that can still be embellished to suit any taste. In the video below garlic, basil, and red pepper flakes are added for some extra kick. But the recipe in Marcella Hazan’s original form is delicious as is.