Top Travel Destinations For 2020
Travel tip from Phil: Before your next trip, pick up the Lonely Planet book for your destination. I know we’re supposed to be doing everything on our smartphones these days but trust me, get the book. You’ll find that it’s actually easier to refer to things in it, plus you can make your own notes in the margins. And why Lonely Planet? I just think they make the best travel guides.
Every year, the editors at Lonely Planet put together their picks for the top travel destinations. For their 15th annual list, they asked their staffers and hundreds of contributors from around the world for nominations.
Their top choice for 2020 is the birthplace of Mozart and home of the von Trapp family: Salzburg, Austria. Next year also happens to be the 100th anniversary of the Salzburg Festival, an annual summer celebration of music, theater, and cultural events. That might have something to do with the #1 ranking.
Two U.S. cities also made the top ten, as well as Galway, Ireland, which is where my wife and I are heading this weekend. I’ll let you know if Lonely Planet was right about that one.
I also want to travel to some parts of the world I’ve never visited before, like South America, Africa, and Asia. So far, it’s been all North America and Europe for me. What’s the most exotic place you’ve visited?
Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Cities in 2020
- Salzburg, Austria
- Washington, D.C., USA
- Cairo, Egypt
- Galway, Ireland
- Bonn, Germany
- La Paz, Bolivia
- Kochi, India
- Vancouver, Canada
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Denver, United States
Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Countries in 2020
- Bhutan
- England
- North Macedonia
- Aruba
- Eswatini
- Costa Rica
- The Netherlands
- Liberia
- Morocco
- Uruguay