Moving To This Town In Italy Could Be ‘La Dolce Vita’
If you’re feeling stressed out by the cost of living and road construction in Charlotte, or simply want to get away from all of the presidential campaigning, the village of Teora, Italy has a deal for you. Move there for three years and the town’s government will cover most of your rent.
Mayor Stefano Farina has a plan to boost the population of Teora. Anyone willing to live there for at least three years, and who has at least one child, can get a majority of their monthly rent covered. The other option is a lump sum worth about a quarter of the cost of an average home.
According to CNN Travel, the houses in Teora are all in good condition. Plus, the town itself sits at the base of Mount Cresta del Gallo, just two hours by car from the picturesque Amalfi coast. This offer keeps getting better.
Anyone interested in taking the mayor up on his offer and exploring life in Italy can contact Teora’s town hall office at for more information about available housing. My family and I may need to have a talk.