Coco The Dog Is The Break We All Need From The News And She Rocks
“Just throw your hands in the air like you just don’t care…..” should constantly be playing wherever this dog goes! Coco the Maltese is the cuteness we all need today, especially after a week of Coronavirus news. Keeping informed about what’s going on is important, but I cannot lie… head feels like it’s gonna explode. I need a break from reality!
Coco is the break I was looking for! After her owners taught her how to stand on her hind legs, Coco is now constantly doing the trick! Even her humans can’t do anything about it. She’s doing it wherever she wants, whenever she wants, and it is adorable!
Since Coco decided to throw her paws up almost daily, her owners decided to document her fun ways. They created an Instagram account for the pup (and her sister Cici), regularly uploading pictures of the little Maltese furball going about her way. More than 231K people are following Coco and Cici’s adventures, making them one of the most popular dog-sister duo on the internet.
The pictures of Coco throwin’ up the paws are awesome! She does it at the beach, at home, and everywhere else she goes. Coco is hands down ADORABLE and her little trick is too cute! Definitely something to brighten your Friday!
Follow the adventures of Coco and her sister here, on Instagram, and on Facebook. The sweet faces of these dogs made my Friday!