Things People Won’t Buy Even In Times Of Crisis
As the Coronavirus continues to spread, many Americans are hitting the grocery stores to stock up on food and supplies. Some people are getting INSANE with their purchases, but I think most of us are using common sense. I mean, do you REALLY need 25 packages of toilet paper? Gonna go with no on that one!
I’ve gone to two different grocery stores in Gaston County over the last week and I’ve seen a lot of empty shelves. And I’ve also seen some sections that are full. In a time like this, frozen foods are a smart purchase. On Monday when I went to Publix, the shelves were full in the frozen food section. The pharmacy shelves were stocked as well. The paper products were all gone as were lots of produce. Sometimes I think folks just buy stuff to buy it. LOL!
THAT said, there are certain things that people will not buy, even in times of crisis. For instance, pineapple and ham pizza….in full abundance in the freezer section. Ya know why? Cause it’s yucky! has shared 39 social media posts from people that saw foods in stores that no one wanted and it’s too funny! Even now, when things are a bit crazy in our country, you will look at this list and say, “Yep. That makes sense!” Broccoli-Kale Pizza Crust…nooooooo! Not even when desperate! See all the pics here. Now, more than ever, we need to keep up our sense of humor. And this will make ya laugh!