How Are Court Cases Being Handled During COVID-19?
During our citywide quarantine I’m reaching out to the friendly folks who are readily available to talk about how our city is holding up during COVID-19, and Judge Rex Marvel – District Court Judge in Mecklenburg County was one of those folks. Haven’t you wondered if folks are showing up for court dates?
The answer to that question is YES! When I spoke with Judge Rex Marvel he said, “Courts are still operating as an essential function of the government. Although under the current order, the courthouse is certainly not operating with the same hustle and bustle as it was in the past – now we are operating only for essential Constitutional Hearings. This means that matters of Domestic Violence, Emergency Child Custody, and Bond Settings are coming before judges because the Constitution requires it. If someone is arrested they must appear before a judge to determine what their charges are and why they are being held. This is why we are hearing matters of bond. Further, Domestic Violence is a sincere concern especially during these times when restriction is limited and people are spending more time at home with potentially dangerous abusers. This is why we are hearing matters of Domestic Violence. Moreover, our children could be at risk of abuse or neglect and this is why it is essential that we are hearing matters of Emergency Custody. To reassure the public, I want to stress that our courthouse is being cleaned every day and Sheriff’s deputies are enforcing social distancing. I want our community to know that the Court system is working to provide these essential functions to ensure equal access to justice.”

Judge Rex Marvel
Bravo, Judge!!!! I want to hear more folks in the judicial and political arena that have a genuine heart for community. Although the Census is nice and elections are important, right now, people want to hear from their elected officials regarding how they’re working on our behalf. During these times elected officials need to speak without “that” cookie cutter speech and selfish agenda. That’s why I carefully picked Judge Rex Marvel because of his nickname around town as the neighborhood judge! He serves as District Court Judge working in Family and Domestic Court, and appointed to the bench by Governor Roy Cooper after being nominated by lawyers from the Mecklenburg County Bar.
All rightly folks, I’m back on the hunt to find elected officials with a heart for the “entire” community!