The Love of Cinema! Podcast Discovery
I’m in the car a lot. I love radio of course, it’s my chosen career. I also love books on tape and like many of you, I have discovered some great podcasts that I follow on weekly or bi-weekly basis. During quarantine I listened at home to my favorites. You know by my posts that I LOVE MOVIES! I found the perfect podcast for movie fans.
THE LOVE OF CINEMA is hosted by these 3 well spoken and huge fans of cinema. Available wherever you find your podcasts. I listen on Apple Podcasts. (scroll down for more)

(L-R) Jeff Ostermueller, John Say (Concord, N.C. native) and Dave Green
Living and working in New York until the lockdown and now scattered all over, these three guys breakdown all your favorite movies (and some you hate too). They started this podcast right about the time movie theaters closed and new movies started going straight to the streaming services, but there are so many movies to review, new, old, bad & good. They’ve also turned their podcast into a “drinking game” and what’s wrong with that! It’s couched as a “positive” look at cinema, but if you say something negative about a film, the buzzer goes off and the person saying it has to drink. Aw shucks! I play at home and get to drink every time the buzzer goes off. They stay sober longer than I do.
These three don’t sound alike and therefore you don’t get confused as to who’s speaking. It also adds spice that Dave is from “down under” and who doesn’t love a good “Aussie” accent! Crickey! They argue, they curse, (Rated R) they debate and preach their ongoing love of cinema. They discuss the movie, but also the writers, director, cinematography and FX if applicable. You’ll learn things you never knew about your favorite films. Average episode length is 90 minutes. They randomly choose a year and break down key films for you. They add twists like a series they did on the “Best Film Franchises”, a critically panned bad movie gets discussed for a chance at “Redemption” and I love the “Comparatives” where they take a current movie and then find an older one that may have a similar plot or storyline.
These three are not ONLY fans of cinema, they are students of cinema in a BIG WAY! If you ever show up at movie trivia night and see these three are there. Don’t Play! You’ll lose your ass! John Say, the guy in the middle graduated high school with my son in Concord and they are still great friends, my son in fact, turned me on to this podcast. I don’t miss an episode and as of this writing there are now 22. Get on this Love Train! The Love of Cinema, that is. Listen and Share to anyone in your orbit who loves movies! Large buttered corn, diet coke and some GOOBERS please! Watch a movie you love TONIGHT! (links below)
You have to add this one to your PODCAST list @theloveofcinemapod
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