Dave Grohl Rocks And Here’s Why
I’m a big fan of Dave Grohl for many reasons, but this is at the top of my list. Grohl just wrote and recorded a song for a 10 year-old drummer that’s a fan of his.
Nandi LIly Bushell is a 10 year-old drummer. She is on social media and even has her own YouTube channel that her parents monitor. This young lady is an amazing drummer! I’ve been following her for a while on FB and her videos rock! Here’s a sample of her playing some Zeppelin.
So, Nandi is a huge fan of Dave Grohl. She recently challenged the Foo Fighters frontman to a drum battle performing the drums to the band’s classic single “Everlong.” Grohl Hey @Nandi_Bushell!
Challenge accepted.
Haven’t played these songs in a loooooong time.....thanks for the inspiration!!!
Your move!!!
Your friend in rock,
(Thanks to my daughter, Harper for letting me borrow her drum set) pic.twitter.com/Ytq47CcZRC
Grohl then decided to write a song just for Nandi, off the top of his head, with his daughter’s on backup vocals. It was his way of showing Nandi how truly badass she really is! How cool is that?!
Ok @Nandi_Bushell....Round 2! Every superhero needs a theme song. Here’s one for you! Mad props to The Grohlettes for the background vocals. pic.twitter.com/js9xBasbpw
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) September 14, 2020
I’ve met lots of rock stars in my time in radio, so I just love it when one as big as Grohl, is so down to earth. I also love to see kids keeping rock-n-roll alive. There is NO question that Nandi is going to be huge. She already so amazing and she’s only 10 years-old! This young lady has serious talent. You can check her out here.
Needless to say this lil rocker was thrilled about Grohl writing a song about her. Congrats to Nandi for being so amazing and congrats to Grohl for being such a good dude. Rock -N- Roll forever!