Neighborhood Dog Loves Greeting People So Much The Family Put Up An Intro Sign
Daily, if not hourly, Phil will hear me say, “OMG! Look at this cute baby!” Phil also knows that when I say this, I’m talking about a puppy, not an actual human baby. Puppies and dogs are my thing! I’m the person that sees someone with a dog and asks if I can pet the animal. I am also the person that notices dogs before people.
There are many people like me, who just love dogs. There’s a dog named Potato who is an incredibly social dog. Her favorite thing in the world is saying hi to everyone who lives in her neighborhood on a daily basis. Cee, one of Potato’s parents, has always been extremely social. She compares her sweet dog to a a greeter at the grocery store saying hello to anyone and everyone.
Even as a puppy Potato has always loved spending all day outside in the front yard, waiting for people to come by and pet her. It was her favorite thing to do until the pandemic started. Folks in her neighborhood then worried that Potato’s family wouldn’t want anyone petting her anymore.
Potato’s parents wanted to find a way to let everyone in the neighborhood know that it was OK to keep giving her love and attention, so they decided to make a sign. They spent time crafting the perfect intro sign for Potato, something cute and friendly that showcased her personality. They posted it on the fence outside their house and suddenly, people were loving Potato more than they were before! Since the pandemic, it seems a lot more people are out and about taking walks where they live, trying to find ways to still get outside. Potato’s sign is such a cute thing to see, and has definitely brought many people so much joy.
And of course it totally helps that Potato is absolutely adorable. She even has her own Instagram page. Potato now has fans all over, not just locally in her neighborhood. One of those fans is me! More info on this sweet girl and her outgoing personality here.