Have You Been “Jeep Ducked” Yet?
Back in the day when I was a Volkswagen driver, I was taught that you were supposed to honk when passing another VW. It was just a friendly way to say, “Hi, I dig your ride.” Jeep Wrangler drivers have something similar.
Anyone who drives a Jeep Wrangler knows that you wave to other Wrangler drivers as they go by. Now there’s a new way to reach out. It’s called Jeep Ducking. Basically, Jeep owners buy little rubber ducks, write messages on them, and leave them on or in other Wranglers as a way to spread some smiles.
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The Jeep Ducking craze has become popular in the U.S., but, according to Driving, it was started in Canada by Allison Parliament. The Ontario woman, who also works in the U.S., launched the growing movement after an unpleasant and very un-Canadian altercation over her Alabama license plate.
There are now tens of thousands of members in the private Official Ducking Jeeps group on Facebook. People have been snapping photos of ducks on Jeeps in all fifty states, most Canadian provinces, as well as in Spain and Australia. You can also see some pics on an Instagram account called Duck Duck Jeep.