This Couple On Instagram Rocks! Some Fun For Your Monday
Relationship goals right here! I love these two people. When I first saw a video of them on Instagram, I swear I thought the guy was actor Jack Black. The husband looks SO much like him and he’s goofy like him. Without question, these two will make you smile. And we all need some smiles on Monday.
I don’t know a lot about these two. The wife, Amy Barton-Cotney is a social media consultant and a realtor according to her website. She and her husband reside in Auburn, Alabama. My guess is the husband is a doctor or is in the medical profession. I’m guessing that due to the fact that he wears scrubs often in their videos.
Outside of that, all I know is that Amy is adorable, fun, and an amazing dresser. Just by watching the quick videos on her Instagram page you can tell these two are a blast! Amy seems especially fun! I dig watching these two because they just make me smile.
Right now I have no life. LOL! I go to work and that’s it. Due to COVID and all the medical issues I’ve had this year, I just can’t be around a lot of people. It’s been depressing. I feel like I’m watching everyone else live life while I’m stuck in my apartment. I know it’s not forever, but until I finish radiation, it’s just how it has to be.
Watching these two make me yearn for a fun relationship and a best friend. I love how they just don’t care and have fun! If you need a smile today, these two will put one on your face. Having a few drinks with these two would be an event for sure!