Expand Your Definition on Happiness
Tis the season of holiday joy and peace on earth, but we all know that’s not the reality of many people. The mystery behind staying upbeat is to start a new project to get your mind off of the pain. From hiring someone to help you get your ideas off the ground, to going to the dollar store and making a craft. During dark times, stay far away from energy zappers. Those people mean you no good and you’ll spend energy you can save for another time. This next suggestion may sound trivial, but focus on your breathing and drink lots of water throughout the day.
Drinking water can reset your body and does the body good. When we’re mad everything goes up. Your blood pressure, your reasoning and coping skills fly out the window, and cortisol levels spike. I’m sorry if you have lost a loved one and can’t take the grief, but they say we should grieve in order to get it out of our system. The way the U.S. is structured, you only get a week or two to take leave from work. Once we realize that we need more time, the rent, mortgage and car payments are due. Find the best way to get along with yourself instead of jumping from relationship to relationship and friend to friend. You might have a list of things that make you happy, but I suggest visiting new places and new things to do. When I’m sick of going to the same grocery stores, I drive to a new location a few miles up. Take time for yourself the best way you can.