Is St. Patrick’s Day Religious?
We celebrate all kinds of days from Halloween to the infamous St. Patty’s Day, but do we know the significance of them? The proper St. Patty’s Day is the Feast day of Saint Patrick. The commemoration of the arrival of Christianity in Ireland is the premise. In 1963 the first celebration of March 17 first when the Church created a Feast Day in homage to St. Patrick. So evidently the Patron Saint of Ireland died around the fifth century, which means that his passing came 12 centuries prior to the modern version of the holiday first being observed.
Where does the color green come from? Well, Saint Patrick never wore green. He was Irish he was British. How about the shamrock metaphor? According to Irish legend, Saint Patrick used the shamrock as a metaphor for the Holy Trinity when he was first introducing Christianity to Ireland. When you dig into St. Patty’s Day you’ll see a lot of information using the word folklore and legends versus facts. I want to know more about miracles. According to legend St. Patrick drove all the snakes of Ireland into the sea. Another legend is that he raised at least 33 people from the dead. As you drink your green beer today be careful because you never know how much green dye is used. Food coloring can cause allergic reactions in some people. Lastly, most food dyes are found in unhealthy processed foods that we’re running from these days. Happy St. Patty’s day, and drive safe.