Man Fights For Right To Wear Pirate Hat In Driver’s License Photo
A Canadian man is fighting for his right to wear a pirate hat in his driver’s license photo. According to the Victoria Times Colonist, Gary Smith is the proud leader of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in British Columbia. Yes, that’s a real thing. Its followers are known as Pastafarians. Mr. Smith says that, as a practicing member, he should be able to wear a pirate hat in his driver’s license photo. That’s because it’s “part of his church’s religious headgear.”
Gary makes a good point. If members of other faiths, such as Sikhs, are allowed to wear their religious headgear in driver’s license photos, he should also be permitted to do so. I’ve always known Pastafarians to wear colanders on their heads. Apparently, the three-cornered hats come from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s teaching that humans evolved from pirates. You can look it up.
Authorities in British Columbia have deemed Gary Smith’s pirate hat “unacceptable” for a driver’s license photo. Never mind that he was allowed to wear it for his marriage commissioner ID badge and firearms acquisition license. After review, Smith’s complaint was rejected, but it’s a good bet that he’ll fight on in the name of religious freedom. Gary Smith is clearly not one to have his rights trampled upon as a true believing Pastafarian.
Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster leader's ICBC pirate hat fight continues
— Times Colonist (@timescolonist) April 4, 2022