Does Trendy TikTok “Internal Shower” Drink Work?
You know I’m not trendy so I saw this and wondered if it was really popular. It is! The latest viral trend is a detox drink called the “internal shower”.
The drink is focused on gut health and with more than 38.6-million views, people can’t stop talking about the video. The detox drink is made with water, lemon juice and chia seeds. It’s supposed to cleanse out your digestive system and ease bloating.
But, is this really good for you or is it just a new fad? According to Mind Body Green, the ingredients do support a healthy metabolism and will detox your system, but don’t expect a “miracle outcome”. And don’t expect a magic drop in weight.
Registered dietitian Maya Feller says, “Enjoy the drink because it’s good, not because you’re looking for some miracle outcome”. IS it good though? I like lemon in water, and I don’t mind chia seeds in a protein shake or on yogurt or cereal, but drinking this combo sounds kinda nasty. I’m not saying it won’t help your system, but I definitely don’t think it sounds “good”.
If you’re a bit backed up, most of people posting the videos say it works. Give it a shot! Just make sure you’re home…you don’t wanna get caught out somewhere when it kicks in! LOL!