Department Of Energy Says Setting This Temp In Your Home Will Save You Money This Summer
Every year, just before the start of summer, the Department of Energy will recommend keeping your home thermostat on a particular temperature in order to save money and to help save the planet. And they’ve come out with the recommended temp for 2023 and I definitely don’t agree with it.
According to WCNC, the Department of Energy’s Energy Star program says that the best temperature to save you money and to help save the environment is 78 degrees. And I say ain’t NO way! My air conditioning has been on 71 degrees for weeks. I’m pretty sure my dogs stay chilly, but that’s where I need it so I don’t sweat to death. Even at night with it on that temp, I still get hot sometimes.
Now I realize my age has a lot to do with why I’m hot lots. Going through the ‘change’ is a ruckus! But even without dealing with that, there’s no way I’d have it on 78 degrees in summer. It’s too damn hot here for 78 degrees! Although if you’re willing to be a bit uncomfortable, you can save some money on your energy bill.
You can save as much as 10% annually on your cooling bill by turning your thermostat up to 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours a day. But here’s where it gets REALLY crazy. At night, the Department of Energy says you should turn the temp up higher, to 82 degrees. 82 degrees INSIDE at night during summer.
Now, I’m assuming many of the folks that work at the Department of Energy have never experienced an August day/night here in the South. On a GOOD day, the temps are in the 90’s. And I won’t even start on the humidity we deal with in the summer. 78 and 82 degrees are OUT of the question!
As broke as I am, I am willing to pay for the air conditioning in the summer. I’ll save money in winter by not turning the heat on til it gets really cold. I’ll put a sweatshirt on! Usually, the heat only gets turned on in the winter for my dogs cause they get cold. But there ain’t no way I’m gonna sweat silly all summer long.
When I’m hot, I get cranky(ier) and NO one wants to deal with me with the air conditioning at that high of a temp. Sorry Department of Energy but it can’t happen for me!
Is 78 too high for the thermostat?
— WCNC Charlotte (@wcnc) May 22, 2023