The Food Network Says These Are the Best Foods in the Carolinas
We all love a good episode or two from the Food Network. Like seriously, who does not enjoy watching shows about food? I mean, I don’t know anyone. So, when you see your favorite spot or a favorite meal featured on the Food Network, it’s always interesting to see what others think of it. There is food featured from all over the world on the Food Network, so when they create a list you know some thought went into it.
The Food Network has a list of the best food in America by state. Of course, we wonder what foods made the list for both North and South Carolina. Hopefully, you think they got this one right, after all, it is the Food Network, right? Well, as for North Carolina, they are naming some of the best food items such as smoky ribs, freshly caught shrimp, and fresh peaches. Now, let’s think about it, we all know seafood and barbecue are screaming Carolinas. So, maybe they got this one right! Now, we may not be the Peach State but we surely have some great peach options to indulge in.
As for South Carolina, you might be able to take guess what is on their menu. The Palmetto State is serving up some of our favorite items we all know and love. Southern delicacies like she-crab soup and peach corn muffins are topping the list here. South Carolina, specifically my hometown of Charleston, is also known for some great seafood options.
Sounds like the Carolinas should have you covered when it comes to eating good. It’s nothing like that good, southern cuisine making each meal better. Check out the full list here to see what other foods made the list for different states. You might get hungry when you’re all done!