Cashier Gets Revenge On Rude Customer And His Story Is Going Viral
If you’ve worked in retail, there’s a chance you’ve encountered a rude customer. I’ve worked in retail and in the restaurant industry, and it’s surprising how thoughtless some folks can be. A guy is sharing a story online about how he got revenge on a rude customer, and folks have feelings about it.
According to Your Tango, Benjamin Harre says he’s been working in retail for years. One of the things that makes him nuts is when someone rolls into the store just before it closes and decides to shop. It’s one thing if you’re grabbing an item quickly, but to spend lots of time shopping when you know the store is closing is just rude!
Harre is sharing his thoughts and his revenge tactic on his TikTok page. Once while working the evening shift, Harre recalls a customer coming into the store a few minutes before closing. In a professional way, Harre let the customer know that the store would be closing in five minutes. The customer said, ‘You’ll close the store when I’m done shopping’. WHO says that?!
To get back at the rude man, Harre decided to not lock the store until the man was done shopping. Although he did continue with his closing duties, one of which was shutting down all the cash registers. When the man was finished shopping, 30-40 minutes later, he told Harre he was ready to check out. Harre replied, ‘Well, it sucks to be you because we closed 35 minutes ago.’ LOL!
The rude customer was extremely mad, but that’s what he gets. Now, I’ve entered a store close to closing time, but it was to grab one or two items. Never would I be rude enough to go into an establishment at closing time and spend 30-40 minutes shopping. People should have more respect for others and their time. Stores have opening and closing hours for a reason!
Years ago, I was a waitress and bartender at Chili’s in Gastonia. There were some folks that would often come in at 10:58 p.m. when we closed at 11 p.m. The manager would always make us stay late for them since they ‘technically’ came in before closing. These folks would sit there for over an hour, drinking mixed drinks and eating wings, with no regard for any of the staff. In addition, they NEVER tipped which was complete BS!
The ‘customer is always right’ isn’t necessarily true. You wouldn’t want someone to roll into where you work at closing time and spend an hour there. It’s thoughtless! I feel for this guy, and I support his ‘revenge tactic’. Was it petty? Yes! But I think he did the right thing!
Some folks online who work in retail, or the food industry are on Harre’s side. They understand how frustrating it is! Other folks think that if they get to an establishment prior to closing, that they can spend as much time as they want in the store or restaurant.
I say have some respect for other people’s time. If you go into a business right before closing, be quick! Just because you got there a few minutes prior to closing doesn’t mean you can spend an hour inside the place! Think of how you feel at the end of your workday. You wouldn’t want to spend an extra hour at the office, especially if you aren’t making more money. Not cool!
I’m not sure why others feel entitled to do whatever they want without concern for other people. Just because you want to shop late, doesn’t mean someone else needs to work late. Go somewhere that’s open later or go to a 24-hour store. Act like you have some damn home training! Kudos to Harre for his petty payback to the rude customer.
@roningt Why Working in Retail Sucks: Last-Minute Customers #retaillife #customerservice #nolatecomers #workerrights #justsayno #pettysquad
♬ original sound - Benjaman "RoninGT" Harre