What Are the Carolinas the Best & Worst At? You Might Be Surprised By the Answers!
Being from the Carolinas is somewhat of a badge of honor and pride you wear. Whether you are from South Carolina or North Carolina, calling the Carolinas home is somewhat important to you. You are going to tell people where you’re from and outsiders will typically have a few things they know of the Carolinas. Whether it’s them knowing Charleston when you say South Carolina or them knowing BBQ or the mountains when you say, North Carolina. It’s cool to know what the Carolinas are known for. But, this list made me raise an eyebrow just a little.
Best vs. Worst
Reader’s Digest is naming what every state is the best and the worst at. Now, I know that does sound kind of off, but it made me want to learn more. I know plenty of things the Carolinas are great at or have, but the worst threw me for a loop. Until I read this list. Starting with North Carolina, we’re the best at millennial living. This makes sense, I am only in my 20s and see tons of people around the same as me here and thriving in North Carolina. Especially with cities like Charlotte to really thrive and grow. But, what is North Carolina the worst at? Well, that’s a different story. I guess millennials are bringing quite a bit more because North Carolina is the worst at the STD rates. A spike in STDs has continued over the last few years causing North Carolina to have the highest rate of diseases such as syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.
Now, lets sit and talk about South Carolina. South Carolina is best known for its sweet tea. And as someone who grew up on the true Carolina sweet tea, I know that this is a fact. No sweet tea is beating South Carolinas, specifically my aunt who makes it from scratch. Now, although South Carolina loves sweet tea we love some other drinks as well. The state is worst at the DUI rates. South Carolina’s number of DUIs has increased and the state has a high number of deaths from drunk driving or impaired driving. Kind of crazy right?
Check out the full report here and see what other states have going on. If these two surprised you, never know what you might learn.