Don’t Freak Out! Massive Emergency Alert Happening Nationwide This Week
Giving you a heads up so you don’t freak out on Wednesday! This week there will be a nationwide emergency test so every radio, tv, and cellphone in the country will be blaring a loud, annoying noise. But don’t worry! It’s a test, only a test!
According to USA Today, Wednesday, October 4 at 2:20 p.m., there will be a Nationwide Emergency Alert Test. If your phone is on, if you’re watching tv, or if the radio is on, you’ll hear that annoying warning sound of an emergency alert. Of course, after the loud beeeeeeeeep, you’ll hear that it’s only a test.
The test is performed to make sure that it’s working correctly in case there is some type of national emergency. We’ve all heard the test before. Working in radio, it’s something that we have to do often on air. You’ll be listening you one of your favorite songs, then all of the sudden, you hear the loud beep. The message will be heard and seen pretty much everywhere. It’s being conducted with the participation of radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio companies and cellphones networks.
No. The Test Will Not Harm You In Any Way
When you hear the loud noise, you also hear an explanation of what’s happening and you’ll hear that it’s only a test. This test in no way will hurt you. I say this because I’ve seen numerous people on Facebook say that this test will send a signal to cellphones nationwide in order to activate nanoparticles such as graphene oxide that have been introduced into people’s bodies. Ummmm…ok. Scientists are telling folks that ‘graphene oxide’ cannot be ‘activated’. Still, some folks are planning on leaving their phone off during the time of the alert test.
Some folks on Facebook are also saying that this is a way for the government to exert control over people. There’s a popular video online showing a woman claiming the test will somehow switch on technology that has been introduced into people’s bodies. My opinion is that ain’t happening! We’ve all heard these tests before on the radio or on tv. I’m not sure why some folks are freaking out.
These tests have been happening since the 1950’s, when the Cold War was happening. This system is being tested to make sure it’s working correctly in case of some type of massive nationwide issue. For example, if there’s some act of terrorism or a natural disaster that will affect millions, this system will be used to let Americans know.