This Is The Bare Minimum Your Employer Should Be Doing
What do you consider the bare minimum your employer owes you? I was having a conversation with a good friend yesterday who was going to the first day of work in her company’s new office. She had said the day before that she hoped there was coffee in the new office building.
They were moving from a skyscraper office to a much smaller building still uptown. And sure enough, I got the text yesterday morning “confirmed the new office does not have coffee”.
The Bare Minimum Your Employer Should Be Providing
She went on to say there was a Keurig but there weren’t pods for it. Sure she or anyone else could bring their own but in our humble opinion, she shouldn’t have to pay for that. We then decided coffee is the bare minimum your employer should be offering their employees.
Heck even Jiffy Lube gives customers free coffee. But that got me thinking what are other things that fit into that category of the bare minimum that your employer should be providing to workers.
I’m sure some of you will say nothing other than a paycheck is expected- but sorry I don’t feel that way. So I polled those around me and we determined a few other “perks” that are just expected when it comes to working in an office.
Bathrooms, Parking, and More
If you’re working in an office you expect to have working and clean bathrooms. I’ll even take that up a notch and say you need at least male and female winners or two separate unisex bathrooms. This isn’t too much to ask.
The necessary office supplies. These are simply the cost of doing business and anything like paper, pens, paper clips, staples, or folders. If your expects you to provide your own? Big red flag.
A limited kitchen is also not too much to ask. A fridge to keep your lunch in, access to filtered water, and a microwave. No need for a chef’s kitchen but this is just the bare minimum your employer can provide. Though in a perfect world on the job meals would be a perk. Hey, a girl can dream right?
Finally and this one is something I know all employers don’t provide. But they should- free parking. Listen if I’m coming to work and earn money, I shouldn’t have to pay to park my vehicle. This is by far the most controversial perk on this list, but I stand behind it.
And of course a living wage. But that is another rant for another day. Many, many employers offer much more than the bare minimum. I know Charlotte offices that have beer on tap, basketball courts, and provide massages. What do you consider the bare minimum your employer should be providing to you?
North Carolina Employers Here Is What Your Employees Actually Want