The 80s were great. Flat out, one of the best decades there ever was. There were some great movies, music, TV shows, and toys in the 1980s. It was a simpler time full of MTV, one-of-a-kind toys, bike adventures, velvet scrunchies, and much more.
Those of you who grew up during this decade know what a great time it was. In honor of one of the best 80s bands putting out a new album today, aka the Scorpions, I felt we needed to do a list on nostalgia. The irony of this article is that I wasn’t actually living in the 80s, my brother was. However, I wish I was.
The 80s had a lot of influence on my life. My parents were big 80s fans. My mom rocked that blonde 80s hair into the early 2000s. It was perfect. My father did rock a mullet once, and you better believe our house was decorated with chunky and bright furniture. (A part of me wishes we still had it) One of the big things was the music and the movies. I am a major 80s music fans thanks to them and “The Outsiders” is a movie I can quote perfectly. Due to their love for the 80s, my parents always mentioned things they wished still existed. These are the top 8 things they want to bring back from the 80s.