National parks are truly one of the most fascinating places to visit in the U.S. From sightseeing to hiking to just wanting a great picture when you’re flying over in your plane the sight is undeniable. National parks are some of the best natural wonders to view when you’re in the States. But, they are also some of the most dangerous spots to visit if you aren’t careful. That’s right, these parks can certainly be a place of danger.
Popular Mechanics gathered a list of the most dangerous national parks in the U.S. Unfortunately for us, a North Carolina state park made the list of the top 10. Between 2007 and 2018, there were over 2,700 deaths at national parks out of the millions of visitors. Although that may not be a large percentage, that’s still a lot of deaths happening in these national parks. Check out the top 6 most dangerous national parks below and see where North Carolina falls. Want to see the full list? Click here to check it out.