After 31 Years, No More Creative Loafing Charlotte
I am absolutely stunned! I would enjoy swinging by and picking up a Creative Loafing Charlotte paper. I enjoyed seeing the articles and some were on people that I knew. People that I love to see winning. Today, there were some stunning tweets that I hated to see after over 30 years of business.
Then, I saw a tweet from one of the employees and I was even more stunned of the things alleged in the tweet. I really hated to see all of this going on, but I hope everything ends up working out for everyone.
I've got some horrible news, our publisher Charles Womack waited until we went to print today then shut down the whole paper after 31 years just like that. Everyone out of work. No severance. No nothing. It's been real.
— Ryan Pitkin (@pitkin_ryan) October 31, 2018
Written orginally by Vonyetta for Power 98-FM