I always thought Thanksgiving should be a day of family, relaxing, and eating. When I was younger, that’s what it was. Everyone talking, sharing memories, and enjoying a delicious meal.
Thanksgiving is not only a day to spend with family, but over the past few years, it’s also become a day to spend shopping. However, things are changing this year. Charlotte will have several stores staying closed on Thanksgiving. The pandemic factors into these closures but also the retail industry and its employees are feeling the full effect of this year’s ongoing worker shortages.
In addition, some stores are closing their doors on Thanksgiving Day because they want their employees to have a day off. Lastly, retailers don’t have much to lose by closing on Thanksgiving (except perhaps some hype).
With the pandemic raging, online spending on Thanksgiving hit a record level last year. This could also be the case this year. Shoppers will likely be happy to shop online on Thanksgiving Day if retailers can keep popular items in stock this year. See which stores below that will remain shuttered on Thanksgiving Day 2021 from RetailMeNot.