Top 10 Chores Your Kids Should Learn
There’s been some debate on social media over kids doing chores. Many parents, yours truly included, feel that it’s important for children to learn basic housekeeping skills. But some parents are opposed to the idea of having kids work around the house. Really? There are plenty of light household chores that most children can do without any danger to them physically or emotionally.
As you’re tackling your spring cleaning projects, get your kids involved. Start with the list below. Don’t worry, it doesn’t include the use of stoves or lawnmowers. This will help you with the workload and they’ll pick up some useful “adulting” skills. After all, you don’t want to still be washing their Underoos when they’re thirty, do you?
Clean bathroom surfaces
Dust furniture
Feed and walk pets
Load and empty the dishwasher
Make their beds
Pull weeds and rake leaves
Set and clear the table
Take out trash
Vacuum/sweep/mop floors
Wash, dry, and fold laundry (Machines do most of the work!)