Opioid & Substance Use Disorders
When did you notice the wordplay on drug abuse? Now they call is substance use disorders which seems strange because it sounds like they’re normalizing and decriminalizing drug use and abuse. When you Google substance abuse centers in North Carolina you’ll see a few popups as free! Free alcohol, drug and other rehab resources in Charlotte, North Carolina.
If you’re not familiar with opioids, here’s the skinny. Opioids are normally prescribed to treat pain, most likely after surgery, but with prolonged use, you’ll most likely get addicted to the pain-relieving effects. But, the body can develop a dependence on the pills. Opioid dependence causes withdrawal symptoms, which makes it difficult to stop taking them. Addiction occurs when dependence interferes with daily life. Taking more than the prescribed amount or using illegal opioids like heroin may result in death.
Free centers can be found by clicking here.