Pancakes Pancakes Pancakes
Before baking soda and yeast existed people used freshly fallen snow as their secret ingredient for tender pancakes. Pancakes have been around for centuries, and during the English Renaissance pancakes were flavored with spices, rosewater, sherry, and apples, but these days hot syrup means you’re serious about your flapjacks. Fast-forward to this Saturday, February 22, from 8 am to 11 am, come out to celebrate the loving memory of an awesome dad, and eat some pancakes with us! Get your tickets today at Pancakes For A Cause.
Even if you’re on hiatus from carbs you can support a great cause over some yummy pancakes and this year marks the 10th annual celebration of #Charlotte family hosting a pancake breakfast in memory of a loving father with young kids who was lost to pancreatic cancer. Come join #Charlotte‘s #pancreaticcancer community at @BfinnBallantyne for a magnificent and yummy start to your day this Saturday, February 22, 8-11 am. Get your tickets today at Pancakes For A Cause.