A Mother’s Big Dreams
Finding out you are going to be a mom for the first time is super exciting! Immediately you want to tell the world, you want to go shopping for everything your child will need, you start thinking of names and start to wonder who the baby will look like. Then the big dreams start, there is a woman out there somewhere guilty of this, my baby girl is going to be a ballerina, she is going to be just darling in her pink tutu and cute little ribbons in her hair. Then reality slaps you in the face when that little girl would much rather chase butterflies in the back yard or go fishing with her dad and pitches a fit when you try to make her wear that sweet little pink tutu! Frustrated, you feel like, where did I go wrong?
All babies are born with their own little personalities. We are sometimes so consumed with the perfect picture we have painted in our heads that we do not stop to take the time to do the things that makes our little ones happy. We are all guilty of it, we have made our kids wear something that they didn’t want to wear or maybe play a sport that they did not want to play because it’s what we wanted for them. Maybe their personality doesn’t line up with the picture you’ve painted in your head. Learn their personalities when they are babies and pay attention to the things that make them smile or peaks their interests and make the needed adjustments. We are here to help their little lights shine even if it that light does not necessarily look like the light we have etched in our minds.