If You Get A Foaming Watermelon, Don’t Eat It, It Could Be Toxic
Toxic foaming watermelon sounds like a band name, but it’s an actual thing happening across the country, and it can make you sick. With very hot temps in many states around the country, some that aren’t used to it, it’s causing all kinds of issues. One of the issues is watermelons becoming too hot, so they are foaming.
According to WGME, folks around the country are picking up watermelons at their local grocery stores and they’re seeing foam coming from cracks in the rind. The watermelons are coming mostly from Florida, Arizona, California, Delaware, and Texas. All of those states are seeing abnormally hot temps this summer. The melons are growing in higher than usual temperatures, so they’re fermenting. That’s what the foam is.
A fermenting process is used to make some alcohol, so would you get a buzz eating a foaming watermelon? Food safety experts say no. In addition, they say that eating a foaming watermelon is a safety issue. Not only should you not eat it, you shouldn’t be bringing into your house. The bacteria could harm you or someone else, especially if you eat it. A trip to the doctor’s or the hospital is not what you need this summer!
What Can A Foaming Watermelon Do
Once the fermentation begins inside a watermelon, it creates the perfect environment for toxic pathogens to flourish. Some of these include botulism, E. coli and Salmonella, according to the Fermentation Association. If enough gas that is produced in the fermentation process builds up inside the fruit, it can cause the watermelon to explode. An exploding watermelon would be bad! Cutting into a fermenting watermelon can also result in an explosion.
Storing the watermelon in the fridge once you bring it home is recommended. Washing the rind/outside of the watermelon is also recommended. In all honesty, I’m not sure I’ve ever done that. Although it makes sense! Cutting into a watermelon that has bacteria on the rind means you can still get ill.
Foaming watermelons are probably not known about in grocery stores. Most stores are kept pretty cool. Although, if you’re like me and try to buy as much produce at a local farmer’s market in summer, the melons could be warm. Just watch out when buying watermelons. If you see one foaming, don’t get it. And if you put a watermelon on your counter for a few days before cutting into it, and you see it foaming, throw it away as soon as you can. An outside trash can is preferable.
Looking at the video below can show you exactly what a foaming melon looks like.