Solid Halloween Advice From A Smart Third Grader Before Tonight’s Festivities
Halloween is here! Since I was a kid, Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Dressing up is always so much fun and of course, you gotta love all the candy. When I was a kid, my mom would let my brother and I go out solo once we were around ten years old. We’d come back with a ridiculous amount of candy! There’s a third grader in New York that is giving some great advice before the trick or treaters are at your door.
According to TODAY, Kaleb Wade is a third grader in New York City. And although he only has a few years of Halloween experience, he has some great advice for adults and for kids about trick-or-treating. Wade is planning on going out tonight as Lucas from ‘Stranger Things’ and his first piece of advice is for kids: always use good manners. When hitting houses for Halloween, always say ‘Trick or Treat’ and ‘Thank you’ when at someone’s door. The young man also advices kids to only grab one piece of candy, so there’s enough for everyone. Now, if the homeowner says you can have more than one, feel free to take a few. Otherwise, don’t be too greedy!
Wade also advises other kids to make sure they are thoroughly brushing their teeth after all the candy eating on Halloween. You want to make sure that you stay cavity free! You gotta make sure your teeth are good to go year after year.
Now For The Adult Advice
If you’re a grown up and you’re giving treats out for Halloween, make sure they’re treats! Wade says that kids are not about raisins, oranges, or nuts. His quote is, ‘This day is not about giving out food or snacks. The day is about giving out candy.’ Yes! He’s right! I know there are some adults that don’t give their kids sugar or candy, but this day is about fun!
As a grown up, your job on Halloween is to make sure kids are having fun! If you don’t believe in giving out candy, maybe leave your porch light off. Kids have no interest in ‘healthy’ things on Halloween and they definitely don’t want floss, toothbrushes, or pretzels. The main goal on Halloween is getting as much candy as you can! Even though there’s a good chance it won’t be eaten completely by the kids, it doesn’t matter! Halloween=spooky and candy!
It’s also an adult’s job on Halloween to comment on the costumes the kids are wearing. If they’re wearing something scary, be afraid! If they’re a superhero, comment on how cool they look. Compliments are important to kids on Halloween. They want candy, but also want someone telling them how great they look! It’s part of the holiday!
The main goal of Halloween is fun! Kids and adults should have fun and enjoy themselves. Be safe, use your manners, but have a total blast! Happy Halloween!