The summer of 1983. It’s a summer I’ll always remember for many reasons, although the tunes are what I remember most. I was 13 that summer, and it was when I first discovered the music that I still love today. When I think of that summer, Def Leppard’s ‘Pyromania’ album and Loverboy’s ‘Get Lucky’ album come to mind. Although ‘Get Lucky’ was released in 1981, I bought the cassette with my allowance that summer. And the ‘Pyromania’ album was THE album of 1983. It was the soundtrack to that summer.
Brains work in crazy ways! I can’t remember what I ate for lunch last week, but I remember the summer of 1983. That summer was one of my favorites. I went from a shy tomboy to being a bit more girly. I went on my first beach trip with a friend, had my first kiss, and met a group of girls that I’m still best friends with today, 40 years later. It was a summer of happiness, no stress, and fun. I miss that!
Ultimate Classic Rock has compiled the best tunes of that summer with their list of the ’30 Totally Radical Hits From the Summer of 1983.’ I have memories that go with lots of these songs, and I could rant about the 80’s all day! I picked just a few of my favorites from this list. In 1983, MTV was in full swing and was extremely popular. Not only did we hear tunes on the radio, we associated faces with the songs watching videos on MTV. That summer gave us an array of music from different genres. For me, it was the year I really go into rock. That summer was the beginning of my love affair with loud guitar and screaming vocals. I got into rock, and then in 1984 I got into heavy metal. And that’s still my true love to date.
The list that Ultimate Classic Rock has is solid. There are songs from so many different artists, all of them amazing in their own way. Although I’m personally not a fan of every song on the list, I totally understand how each of these songs shaped that summer. They were all hits!
The tunes on the list are according to the date they were released and when you scroll through the list, you’ll hear almost every song in your head. I think there are only two songs that I’m not that familiar with, but I was never really into New Wave.
I’ve come up with my personal favorites from this list and these are the songs that truly make me think of 1983. These are the songs that help to shape my love for music. I’ve been listening to these tunes for 40 years, and they still sound freaking awesome! I’ve been really lucky to have met some of the artists on this list during my career in radio. And 13-year-old me thinks that kicks ass!