Woman Eats a Page of a Novel Each Day
We have heard of some bizarre food combinations, but nothing as crazy as this story. Jamie Loftus is taking the novel Infinite Jest and eating it page by page. Yes, that is right, who needs to read the actual book when you can devour its pages.
According to Good Reads, Infinite Jest is a “comedy about the Pursuit of Happiness in America.” The A.V. Club believes that the reason why Loftus is chomping on the pages is “to engage the book’s acolytes.” In 2005, the book made TIME’s list of the 100 Best Novels published since 1923. Not to mention, the book helped to create a whole genre of studies in literature college classes.
Loftus, who is also a comedian, has been slowly eating the book for over a year. Each novel meal she has had, Loftus has made sure to get it on camera. Needless to say, she has been rather creative with the ways she had eaten the 1,079-page novel. From sandwiches to just balling the pages up, each video shows a new way to eat the book.
Her vlogs of her experience with the book have been supercut into one video.
Other than making a statement, we are not too sure why a person would choose to eat a book. This is definitely one way to get extra fiber in your diet. However, we do not recommend going about book eating in order to add the extra supplement.
Loftus’ entire book-eating journey was accompanied by a hashtag. If you want to follow the story of her year-long adventure, the hashtag is #eatinfinitejest. We are sure that the posts you will see are not going to be boring. After all, it is a girl purposely eating a book. Who knows what she will be eating next.
Sarah is a Hufflepuff living in NYC. When she is not traveling or talking to random animals, she is working as a script writer. Tweet her at @lumpyspacederp