Teacher Shares Epic Life Quotes From Kids And It’ll Give You The Giggles
Kids are so very honest and without hesitation, they’ll say what they’re thinking. I appreciate that kind of honesty as many people lose that as they get older. There’s a teacher in New York that created “Live from Snack Time” which has lots of info about kids and schools and also shares bits of gold from kid’s minds.
Alyssa Cowit, a NYC teacher and Greg Dunbar, a digital marketing manager with Disney Studios started “Live From Snack Time” to show adults what kids are thinking about. Their little minds work differently than ours. The project took off, with over a 557k fanbase on Instagram.
One of the things that makes this so awesome is that most kids have no idea how well they understand life. As I read through some of the quotes I was surprised at how witty and thoughtful the kids quotes are. For instance, one of my favorites is from six year old Sophia. She states that “her life isn’t going as planned.” GIRL! Oh how every adult feels that quote! Sophia is only six, so she probably doesn’t realize that she summed up most peoples lives.
The quotes are wholesome, cute, inspirational, and often so dead on it’s scary. “Live from Snack Time” takes quotes from kids all around the world. After the last year with the pandemic, we can all use some hilarious honesty.
With the popularity of “Live from Snack Time”, Cowit and Dunbar are trying to make a difference in families lives and are looking forward to partnering with charities to bring awareness to important topics like literacy and autism. At its core, “Live from Snack Time” reminds you that kids and adults can relate to each other in daily life. And the kid’s quotes will crack you up.