Teen Makes Amazing Prom Dress From Duct Tape & Wins Scholarship
Remember trying to find the perfect prom dress? Well this young lady decided to make her own and she has some serious talent! A Washington state teen has scored a $10,000 college scholarship by making her own prom dress. The amazing thing is that it’s made entirely out of duct tape.
Larissa Leon, 17, has won Duck Brand Duct Tape’s “Stuck at Prom” contest by creating a gown inspired by traditional Mexican Folklorico dresses. She designed the dress to honor her culture and pay tribute to her roots.
Leon worked on the 20-pound dress for 163 hours, using 47 rolls of duct tape. She also made a purse, a crown, earrings and shoes ALL out of duct tape. Beyond crafty!!!
I’m not sure what this young lady wants to do with her life but I think she could definitely be a fashion designer. The dress she made is truly stunning. I’d never be able to do something like this.