Local Father & Son’s Fishing Trips Inspire Book
I love this! I love it because the little guy is so creative and because this father and son relationship is so sweet! A six-year-old boy from Troutman and his dad wrote a book called “How to Catch a Bully Fish” and got the idea from their fishing trips together.
According to WCNC, Xavier Zsarmani Sr. and his son, XJ, said they enjoy fishing together because they find it relaxing and calming. It also gives the father and son time to enjoy the quality time together.
On one of the fishing outings, Xavier recorded videos of them fishing together. While rewatching those videos later, he came up with the idea of making XJ’s story into a book. The children’s book, “How to Catch a Bully Fish” is a story about bullying in school.
The words in the book are based on real-life conversations from their fishing adventures. The illustrations are made to look like the father and son team. WCNC’s Larry Sprinkle chatted with the two authors about the book, and you can see the video below.
In a world where we all see so many sad and depressing stories about families and kids, this story is such a bright spot! I love the creativity! Hopefully the father and son team will come up with other books based on their adventures together. Such a great feelgood story for your Friday!