Toy Doll Commercial From 1966 Is Freaking People Out
Although I’m not on TikTok, my friends are, and they often send me videos. A few of the videos recently are of younger people talking smack about Gen X’ers. Here’s the thing about those of us born between the mid-60’s and early 80’s, we are a different breed of tough. We were the last generation of ‘wild’ kids, playing outside with no helmets. There was no such thing as the internet, so if we talked trash, we ended up in a fight. We aren’t offended easily because our parents told us to ‘suck it up’ as kids.
Early on we learned that life isn’t fair and that you have to be tough to survive. We were the last of the latch-key kids, and we listened to our parents, and had daily chores. In school, you listened to teachers and wrote in cursive. And we had some creepy toys!
An old commercial from 1966 is making the rounds online and it’s freaky. The commercial is for Mattel’s doll ‘Baby Secret’ and it may give you nightmares. As a kid I wasn’t a huge fan of baby dolls. I had a few, but I was a tomboy, so I was outside lots. This doll apparently moved its lips and whispered to you. Watching this commercial makes me realize where the idea for ‘Chucky’ came from! Nothing about this commercial is cute or cuddly. I’m pretty sure this doll comes awake at night and does nefarious things!
The ‘Baby Secret’ doll whispers things like, ‘Is anyone else awake?’ and ‘I want to tell you something’. Just watching this commercial makes me want to bust out the sage and cleanse my apartment. It’s freaky! The commercial is on a TikTok account called @jackolanternstories.
And it’s toys like this that made Gen X hard core. There weren’t ‘trigger warnings’ around for us. You can’t scare us! We grew up with scary!