Never Tell Your Spouse Their Job At Home Is Easy
Never tell your spouse their job is easy! A story is going viral about a wife proving to her husband that her stay-at-home job isn’t easy. I’ve been married and divorced twice but I’m smart enough to know that you don’t say this to your spouse.

According to People, an anonymous wife has shared a story on Reddit about how she allowed her two kids to interrupt their dad’s business meeting after he told her that her life is ‘easy. Bad call dude.
The couple have two kids, a 5-year-old and a 7-year-old. The mom runs a small business from home while taking care of the two kids. The husband can work from home but prefers the office as he can focus more.
After working for a few hours, the wife’s main focus is taking care of their very energetic 5-year-old. The older child is in school and comes home around 3 P.M. Dad usually arrives home around 8 or 9 P.M, so mom is the primary caregiver.
This Is Where The Hubby Messed Up
The wife was really tired one night and didn’t cook dinner. When the husband came home, she asked if they could just order something. He was also tired and messed up. The hubby tells the wife that dinner is her responsibility.
Sadly, the hubby kept talking and said that the wife doesn’t work as hard as he does and since she’s home, she should be in charge of dinner. The wife explained that he has no idea how hard her job is. Hubby then says he’ll work from home the next day to prove how easy she has it. I think we ALL know how this went for him!
When the wife woke up the next morning, the hubby was already a bit of a mess just trying to get their older child ready for school. He then had to cancel a meeting to make breakfast.
Later in the day, while in a meeting, the kids made a mess on the floor after playing outside. He had to mop and was upset that his wife didn’t help at all.
During a meeting later in the day, the boys bothered their dad while he was on a video call. One of the boys was upset and crying. The hubby got the boys out of the room.
After working from home for the day, the husband was upset with the wife for not helping. He was also upset because he thinks he looked bad in front of coworkers when the kids interrupted his meeting.
Commenters on Reddit are having a field day with this guy. He doesn’t seem to get that his wife does this every day, with NO ONE there to help out. Truth told; he owes his wife a big apology. Personally, I would have let for the day and let him handle it all solo so he could really see what it’s like raising the kids.
Hopefully this man learned a lesson. Never take someone for granted, especially when you can’t ‘walk in their shoes’ so to speak. He owes his wife an apology. And some flowers!