It’s one of my favorite days every year. It’s National Pizza Day. And, that means pizza restaurants all over the country offer up deals in celebration. According to, 93% of Americans order pizza at least once a month. More than 40% place that order once a week. In total, that comes to 3 billion pizzas a year. And, did you know that NASA tested a 3D printer that is capable of making pizzas in space. So, if it’s popular enough to make in the galaxy, it’s certainly something we love back here on Earth. Of course, one of the most popular days for pizza is during the “Big Game” that happens every February. And, another holiday that sees some of the biggest numbers of pizza orders is Halloween. Apparently, folks love fueling up on a pizza before or after heading out for the candy grab. Also, it’s not surprising one of the most popular toppings is the standard pepperoni. But, no matter what you choose, it’s for sure we always love a good deal. And that’s exactly what you find on National Pizza Day. So, here’s a sampling of some of the best deals to find on National Pizza Day.