Maybe One of the Most Powerful 9/11 Photos You’ll Ever See
For me personally, 9/11 always stands out as an important date to remember. For everyone else too I’m sure. But I was in NJ that day, actually driving back to the airport to fly home to CA. I ended up being evacuated out of EWR airport and was stuck in NJ for a week.
So many heroes lost their lives that day. One group that stands out, is the firefighters of NYFD Station 118. Lt. Robert Regan and firefighters Leon Smith, Vernon Cherry, Scott Davidson, Peter Vega, and Agnello hopped on their truck moments after the second plane smashed into the towers.
The men from Ladder 118 ran deep into the chaos and emerged at the doomed Marriott World Trade Center hotel.
Survivors remembered seeing men with the number 118 on their helmets running up the stairs to help the panicked guests. They were never seen alive again.
This photo may be one of the most powerful taken that day.