Wife Makes Her Hubby’s Food Works Of Art And Wow
Last week Phil and I were chatting about how important pictures of food are. You see so many people post food pics on social media and some of the pictures don’t do the food justice. There’s definitely an art to food photography and sometimes you just need to get the right angle. Then there are folks that make such amazing food that the pictures don’t do the food justice. Enter Mika Matsuura from Japan.
Gorgeous looking food is appetizing but the food also needs to taste good. Mike Matsuura makes sure her hubby gets both daily. Daily she makes her husband bento boxes to take to work and they are truly astounding. I have no idea how people do this! Talk about showing love with food.
Matsuura says she draws inspiration from her husband’s favorite TV shows, movies, and musicians, and transforms them into a neat little dish. It’s hard to know for sure, but it’s very possible that lunchtime is her husband’s favorite time of the day. And it doesn’t take her long to make her festive food creations. She says she’s up at 7am and is finished by 8am. Matsuura says she does the prep work the night before so that she can create her amazing meals for her husband in the morning.
I love to cook and do it often but it amazes me how people create things like this. I guess I’m not especially creative in certain ways. You know those cute blackboard and door decorations you see in schools? Well when I was a teacher it took me hours to do one board in my class which usually takes most teachers 30 minutes. And the Thanksgiving door decorations I did were minimal and they still took me over an hour to get done!
This food is whimsical and looks tasty…well, most of it. I’m not a huge fish fan however I dig the shrimp she uses in her dishes. Scrolling through her elaborate meals, I’m unfamiliar with a lot of the Japanese characters she creates with the food but I’m digging the rocks stars and the well known works of art she re-creates. The David Bowie dishes, Jimi Hendrix, and the Freddy Mercury dishes are my favorite.
I have no doubt her hubby’s favorite meal is lunch and I’m sure all the people he works with roll by daily to check out his lunch. I’d hesitate to eat these meals because they look so cool! You can check out Matsuura’s dishes here or on her Instagram page.