Doctors Warn Against “Sleepy Chicken” Trend
Over the weekend I saw this story and had to watch a video to make sure it was real. I do not understand people, I really don’t. There’s a trend on TikTok called the “Sleepy Chicken” trend and doctors are warning against it.
This is stupidity at its finest! There are folks on TikTok posting videos of chicken marinated and cooked using Nyquil. NYQUIL! You know, the ‘sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, you’re on your floor” medicine. Many of the videos on TikTok show people boiling chicken in the medicine for five minutes, and then eating it.
A couple of things I think folks should know. Boiling chicken for five minutes doesn’t cook the chicken thoroughly. Eating chicken that is undercooked can cause you to be quite ill. And blue chicken can’t be good for you! Also, there’s a risk of you overdosing by using the medicine as a marinade. I’ll admit I’m not a scientist, but I don’t think the ingredients in Nyquil are supposed to be heated. My guess is there’s a chance that heating the medicine can be a potential fire risk.
According to Forbes magazine, the original ‘Sleepy Chicken’ TikTok video may have been posted as a joke. Sadly, there are many people that are taking it as a legitimate way to cook chicken. I know this will sound mean and judgmental, but WTH people?! Are ya that dumb?!
Sadly, the answer is yes. There are people that dumb. As we say in the South, “Bless it.” If you Google Nyquil, stories on this trend immediately pop up. If you know someone who’s mentioned trying this trend, you may want to let them read this article. It may help them from doing something stupid!
Here’s a video if you want to see the monstrosity. People…come on!