Creamy Whipped Ranch In A Can Is Now Available
In the 80’s, my older brothers used to love spray cheese. I never could get on board with cheese in a can and I still don’t like it. And I’m pretty sure I won’t like this new product. A company has developed spray Ranch and Blue Cheese. Creamy whipped dressings. UGH!
According to FoodBeast, the new product called Flip Whip is produced by Alamance Foods Inc. The product comes in two whipped flavors, Ranch and Blue Cheese. I’m a big fan of blue cheese dressing but in no way, shape or form do I want whipped dressing in a can! It looks very similar to whipped cream.
I realize that Ranch fans are hardcore, but this seems like too much. As nasty as it looks to me, I’ll admit that it’d be a great product for Phil and I to try. Sadly, right now, the product is only available Woodman’s Markets, which are based in Wisconsin.
I’ll give the company some credit though, their website isn’t bad. They showcase their products well, and even have recipes for the whipped flavors. The company makes it look appetizing, but I’m still skeptical. Would you try this? With Ranch being so popular here in the South, I’m sure it won’t take long before we see it in local grocery stores.