This Restaurant Is Where You Can Get The Best Chicken Tenders In Charlotte North Carolina
As someone who grew up as an extremely picky eater, eating almost exclusively chicken fingers for years when I went out, I consider myself an expert on the subject. Thankfully I have gotten a tad more adventurous on a menu as I’ve gotten older. But every now and then chicken fingers and fries just hit the spot. Especially on a road trip, nothing satisfies like Zaxby’s chicken fingers and those seasoned fries. And no matter how much hate chain restaurants get- Chili’s chicken fingers are always good. But we aren’t talking about fast food or chain restaurants in this case. We are talking about local chicken tenders that are so good you should absolutely order them on the menu. So the best chicken tenders in Charlotte North Carolina? Hands down, The Rusky Bucket.
The Rusty Bucket is located in South Park behind Whole Foods. I actually tend to order a salad when I go there (I often go specifically for that salad). But one day, I was just in the mood for something else. So I faced the judgment so many often give and ordered the chicken fingers and fries. And let me tell you, I never once regretted that choice. You won’t either. I’ve convinced numerous other people to order them as well. And they all rave about them. So if you’re looking for a place to take your picky friend or your child or you just have a craving for delicious chicken tenders hit up the Rusty Bucket. In my self-proclaimed expert opinion, they really are the best chicken tenders in Charlotte.
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7 Places To Get Mouth Watering, Delicious Fried Chicken In Charlotte North Carolina
Screw the diet I want fried chicken. That’s how I’m feeling after writing this list. And definitely feeling more hungry for lunch than I was an hour ago. Fried chicken is a southern staple and for great reason. It’s delicious. But it takes time to get it right, and it’s also probably not on your weekly cook-at-home list. If it is, you’re much better than I am. And despite perhaps not being the healthiest of foods, there’s no harm in indulging yourself every now and then. Have I convinced you to ditch your lunch or dinner plans tonight and get some fried chicken yet? If so, we’ve established fried chicken is a good idea. But where can you get the best fried chicken in Charlotte North Carolina?
There’s a good chance that Price’s Chicken Coop (RIP) was your go-to spot for fried chicken in Charlotte. But they sadly closed their doors a few years ago. I swear sometimes when you walk by you can still smell it though. Maybe I’m just dreaming. But don’t worry there is still some fantastic chicken to be found. Maybe you want a quick bite of that fried chicken and sides like you’re grandma used to make. Or perhaps a fancier meal is in the cards. Whatever you want there is something in Charlotte for you. While these aren’t all of the options they are great places to start. Here are 7 places to get mouth-watering, delicious fried chicken in Charlotte.
Melanie Day is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She has worked for Beasley since 2012 in a variety of behind-the-scenes roles in both digital and promotions. Melanie writes about a diverse range of topics some of her favorites include travel, restaurants, Taylor Swift, and college athletics. When not at work you'll find her at a country concert or NC State sporting event.