3 North Carolina Experts Weigh In On Keeping Copperhead Snakes Out Of Your Yard
It’s a fear for many of us. Especially if you live basically in the middle of the woods like I do. 3 North Carolina experts weigh in on keeping copperhead snakes out of your yard. This is good information because snakes are out and about and looking for love. Plus copperhead snakes love to feast on, you guessed it, cicadas. And Lord knows there are plenty of those around right now.
3 North Carolina Experts Weigh In On Keeping Copperhead Snakes Out Of Your Yard
While there is no sure fire way to keep snakes out of your yard. Here are a few tips that might help according to our source, the Charlotte Observer. 3 North Carolina experts weigh in on keeping copperhead snakes out of your yard. Make sure you keep your yard mowed regularly and keep yard debris clear as well. Snakes love them a good wood pile for a habitat. Copperhead snakes are our regions most abundant venomous snake.
Good Advice From People Who Know
The News and Observer of Raleigh asked a wildlife biologist with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission for some advice. Can you really get snakes out of your yard? Falyn Owens says you are most likely to encounter a snake if you have sufficient shelter and food for them. Eliminate that. And here is some very good advice. Owens says in the Charlotte Observer, “The best way to avoid an unpleasant encounter with a snake is keeping an eye open for them wherever there is suitable habitat, and giving any snake you do encounter plenty of space,”.

If you do encounter a snake and want to urge it along, gently but firmly spray the snake’s tail with a water hose. That’s according to the experts. Whatever you do, do not pick up or attempt to kill the snake. Many who people who get bitten have attempted to kill the snake. “Rest assured, if you do encounter one, it doesn’t want anything to do with you and just wants to be left alone,” according to Owens.
Here are a few “best practices” when trying to avoid snakes. Keep your eyes to the ground and watch where you step. Always wear gloves when doing yard work. And don’t forget to keep an eye on nosey pets in the yard. They tend to like to poke in areas where copperheads like to hide. And by the way, using a leaf blower really won’t scare them off. They will just seek the easiest shelter.