Save The Date For Free Ice Cream!
I think we can all agree that the three most beautiful words in the English language are “I love you,” but a close second is “free ice cream.” Mayfield Dairy is donating 10,000 scoops of free Denali Moose Tracks Ice Cream and I’ll be helping to dish it out in uptown Charlotte.
It’s a delicious bit of philanthropy known as the 10,000 Scoops Challenge. For each scoop of free Denali Moose Tracks ice cream served, Mayfield Dairy will donate $1 to The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte in an effort to raise $10,000 to support local Salvation Army programs, including the Center of Hope shelter for women and children and eight Salvation Army Boys & Girls Clubs.
Bring the kids and join me at Trade and Tryon on Wednesday, July 26th. My fellow scoopers and I will be serving up the good stuff for a great cause between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM.